lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014


Two weeks ago, 5th and 6th of primary students watched 'Dracula in Love', a theater play by Blue Mango.

In the first scene we see that the director is casting actors for the play Dracula, but they don't have enough people for all the parts and have to use the audience. In the next scene we see the actors rehearsing and they have all sorts of problems; actors don't know their lines, the sound effects aren't working, and the director is getting more and more frustrated. Finally, it's the night of the show, but where is the lead actress who plays 'Mina'? In a panic, they have to find a new actor and quickly... As the rehearsals progress and the play unfolds, Dracula's love story becomes confused with the actors' own story,

You can see some photos of the play below.

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014


After watching the theatre play last week, our students of 5th and 6th of primary have written a short review about it with a picture of one of their favourite scenes.

Here you have some of them!


After watching the theatre play last week, our students of 3rd and 4th of primary have written together a short review about it.

They first have written it on the board. Then they have copied it and they have drawn a picture of their favourite scene.

Here you have some of them!

domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014


As it was explained before, last week 3rd of primary students have been working on 'Time Travellers', a theatre play that they watched on Tuesday. One of the main topics they worked on was about Picasso, the painter. It is for this reason that after learning some facts about Picasso's life and work, they have painted their own version of 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon'. It is a very famous painting by Picasso, which appeared in the theatre play too.

Here you have some of their versions, they are all amazing!

Besides from this, you can also

see some photos of the play.


domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014

Dracula In Love

Next week 5th and 6th of primary students are going to watch a theatre play in the school: Dracula In Love. It's for this reason that this week they will be working on several aspects of the play such as the plot and the cast. 

Very soon we will upload some photos of the play!

Dracula In Love

Next week 5th and 6th of primary students are going to watch a theatre play in the school: Dracula In Love. It's for this reason that this week they will be working on several aspects of the play such as the plot and the cast.

Very soon we will upload some photos of the play!

Time Travellers

In a week 3rd and 4th of primary students are going to watch a theatre play in the school: Time Travellers. It's for this reason that this week we will be working on several aspects of the play such as the plot, the characters, history and arts.

Very soon we will upload some photos of the play!


This week 4th of primary students have done a writing. They are studying a new structure to express what they want or don't want to do. They have been provided with a chart of different characters and sports and they have combined different elements to make a writing including what each character wants or doesn't want to do.