martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

2nd Primary - Venn Diagrams

A few weeks ago, our 2nd level students took on an interesting challenge in English class. They had to design and write about a Venn Diagram using toys.

First they learned about how to use Venn diagrams to categorize different objects and to see what the toys also had in common. Next they had to prepare their own diagram.

They had to carefully think about which toys they needed to colour which colour and which ones had to be placed in which circle of information. After came the tricky part of making sure there was at least one toy that shared and connected the two parts in the middle.

It really made our students think hard, but they enjoyed themselves learning something new!

Take a look at some below and as I'm sure you'll agree the Venn diagrams came out great! Well done 2nd level classes!!! 

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014


World poetry day is on 21st March. The purpose of this day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout the world. It is for this reason that this week 4th of primary students have been working on a poem.

They read the poem, they learnt some new vocabulary, they made their own interpretations and finally they have written it on a piece of paper and they drew a picture related to its meaning. 

Here you have the poem for you to read and enjoy it as all the kids did!


World poetry day is on 21st March. The purpose of this day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout the world. It is for this reason that this week 3rd of primary students have been working on a poem.

They read the poem, they learnt some new vocabulary, they made their own interpretations and finally they have written it on a piece of paper and they drew a picture related to its meaning. 

Here you have the poem for you to read and enjoy it as all the kids did!

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

1ST PRIMARY: Learning To Read in English

One of the many challenges that our first level students come across is starting to learn to read in English.

We start of by slowly reading out loud instructions from our class and activity books, and making sure that all the words have been understood.
Little by little the students are gaining confidence and now can read basic instructions with ease.

So help them progress further, once their work is finished, on certain days they are allowed to go through the portable English library that Fiona brings to class and choose a book to read for pleasure.

We are really proud of the great progress that our students are making with reading in English!

Family Portraits

A while back, our 1st level students got to take part in a creative way of talking about their families.

First, they studied four paintings with images of men, women, boys and girls. Some of the pictures were very old and some were very modern. We spoke a lot about what we could see, the differences between the paintings, differences between then and our lives now and how the paintings made us feel.

Then came the surprise that they were going to become artists and draw their family portrait!

They had to listen to the instructions very carefully, first colouring their frame, cutting it out, drawing and colouring their family members and finally explaing in English who all the people were in their frame.

Below you can see a small selection of the many great paintings that the boys and girls of Guinardo, Del Mar and La Rosaleda did! Enjoy.