sábado, 14 de junio de 2014


Last week our 5th of primary students have been working on the project they chose with their teachers 'A Cooperative'.

They have decided to create a ball that holds objects called P.A.C. It is for this reason that in the English lessons they have been creating a leaflet to advertise this product.

Here you have some photos of some of them!

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

1st and 2nd: Cinderella!

Last week the 1st and 2nd level students finally got to see the play Cinderella, and ALL in English!

They had such a great time! They laughed a lot, they sang a lot and got to listen to and practise lots of real English!

They really understood the play very well and they have already asked when they can watch another play in English!

Here below you can see a few pictures of some of the boys and girls who were chosen to be participate in the play (and you can also sneek a peek at Prince Aran, the Prince of Esplugues!!):

1st and 2nd: Preparing For Cinderella!

Recently the boys and girls of Cicle Inicial have been hard at work preparing to watch a theatre play ALL in English: Cinderlla!

First they had to listen to the story in English and had to try and guess which play it was. Next they had to learn the names of the characters and afterwords learn 2 songs that would be in the play. We're sure you've heard the students singing 'I am Pretty' and 'Dance with a Prince'!

To help the 1st level students remember some important vocabulary from the play, they created a very special Cinderlla dictionary. Here you can see one below:

And the 2nd level students got to create a very special Cinderella comic to remember the story and vocabulary! You can see some here:

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

2nd Primary: Learning about £ and p

Recently 2nd level have had an interesting experience learning about the UK money system - Pounds (£) and Pence (p).
They discovered how many pence made up £1, and so it was a great way to learn some new numbers 30-100!

To make the learning experience more real for them, they got to play with real UK money to see what it looked like and how it felt, before going on to make their own paper pounds and pence which were later used in an activity which will be posted here!

The students really enjoyed getting to see real coins, and to make it even better in St. Mateu class, Hector brought in a real £5 note for us to look at! Thanks Hector!

Below you can see some pictures of the students discovering the coins, enjoy!