viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014


Last week 5thof primary students started reading “The borrowers”. The book is about a family who survives borrowing different items from the human house they live above the floor.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

1st of primary: Shapes

This week the 1st of Primary students have been learning the name of different shapes (Square, rectangle, triangle and circle) and decide by using their imagination, create a girl or a boy with the shapes.
They had to decide the colour of the shapes and then cut them out and make their own person gluing the shapes and inventing a name.

Here you can see some of their really original creations. We hope you will enjoy it.

2nd of primary: Measuring

This week our 2nd of Primary students have been measuring their body and learning the numbers from 1 to 40.
By measuring the different parts of their body (hand, head, leg, foot and arm) with a measuring meter, they learned and improved the numbers and the new vocabulary.
Here you have some photos of the work done.

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014


This week our 3rd of primary students wrote a personal profile for the eTwinning project.

They chose the information they wanted to write about, all together they wrote a draft on the whiteboard, and finally, they did it individually. Moreover, they drew a picture of themselves.

Here you have some of their profiles!

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014


This week our 3rd of primary students have started an eTwinning project about autumn and winter. It consists of making and sharing some cultural and personal work with other countries. Concretely, in this project the countries involved are: Ireland, Czech Republic, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania and Spain.

This week students created a logo about autumn and winter in small groups and they have voted for the best logo in their classroom. English teachers chose one of them to send it to the other countries. They were very motivated.

Here you have some photos of the work done.


This week our 5th of primary students have received some letters from Hamilton, Scotland.

They have been reading in groups all the personal profiles from their Scottish friends who are learning Spanish at school.

Furthermore, 5th of primary students have started writing a personal profile about their lives, preferences and hobbies to send to them at St. Elizabeth's Primary School.

Here you have some of the profiles they have received!

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


During these first weeks of class 3rd of primary students have been exploring their new books: Ace 3.

They have met the new characters: Rory, Rose, June, Jeb and Miss Snow. They have also revised the days of the week and the months of the year. Finally, they have learnt the ordinal numbers to be able to tell when their birthdays are.

They are enjoying the new book and characters a lot.