miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Little Donkey

Christmas is nearly here and so to celebrate both our 1st and 2nd level students are working really hard on a typical Christmas song from the U.K. to sing at the Christmas school concert.

It's called "Little Donkey" and its all about making sure that the Mary safely arrives in Bethlehem with the help of her faithful donkey.

To help our students practice a little bit  more here you have a lovely version that you can look at from home!

sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013


Reading and writing are two important skills. While doing an individual speaking activity, 4th of primary students have been doing a reading comprehension activity about a teacher. After being familiarized with the text, they have reproduced their own version about a teacher from the school. 

Let's have a look to some of them!


Two weeks ago our 3rd of primary students have created their own family tree. Here you have some of them!

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013


After two sessions being "Fashion Designers" our dolls are ready to go!!

At the beginning of the activity our teachers gave us two dolls: a blue girl and a blue boy.

We talked about them and we said interesting things like: they look like avatars, they are blue and yellow because the European flag has these two colours too...

Later on we chose their kind of clothes, also their fabrics. We worked using recycled materials.


domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013


These weeks 5th of primary students are reviewing how to tell the time in English. They are also starting to work with the Past Simple, and it is for that reason that they have been studying some of the irregular verbs.
It's a difficult topic but they're working really hard!


This week 3rd of primary students started the new unit in their books and they have been working on some vocabulary about the family. They have been working on this vocabulary through Stella's family tree. She's one of the main characters of the Kid's Box Book. Step by step our students are learning how to make sentences to express the relationships between the different family members.


4th of primary students have started the next unit in their books. They have been working on school subjects such as: Maths, Spanish, Catalan, English, PE, Science, Art, etc. A part from that, they are starting to learn some new adjectives to describe actions and feelings: boring, quick, exciting, busy, careful, difficult, easy, slow and terrible.
Very soon we'll post an activity about these topics.


viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

We want to wish all our students in 1st and 2nd of primary a very happy and spooky Halloween!!!!

And we also wanted to share with you the funny Halloween songs that the classes in 1st and 2nd have learnt this week....

Classes La Rosaleda, Del Mar and Guinardo learned the song: Spooky Spooky

Here's the youtube video:


And our classes in 2nd level of primary had a look at the Halloween Song (H-A-double L-O)


After we worked vocabulary and the boys and girls of 2nd learned a Halloween Poem!

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Letters from Scotland

As promised, here you have some pictures about the project with our new friends in Hamilton, Scotland.

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Exchange Project With Scotland

This year during the 4th hour of English with Fiona and Aran, our 5th primary students were very excited to hear that they will be taking part in a really exciting project with a primary school in Hamilton, Scotland.

One of the P7 classes (6th primary) at St. Elizabeth's Primary School, Hamilton invited us to create a special project with them so that they can learn all about our lives in Escola Garbi and Catalonia and so our students can learn all about them.

Our 5th level students will only be communicating in English, whilst the pupils from St. Elizabeth's have just started to learn a little Spanish so they will be communicating in English and a little Spanish.

Last week our first set of letters arrived from our new Scottish friends and the Garbi students were very excited to learn about them!

Our letters have been sent in return and we hope that St. Elizabeth's really enjoy them!

We post some photos this week of the Scottish letters.

If you are interested here you can have a look at St. Elizabeth's Primary School Website!


1st primary: Shapes

The 1st primary students this past two weeks have been learning the names of some shapes such as circle, square, triangle and rectangle. As well as learning to pronounce the shape correctly and learn to read its name in English, they have been using adjectives and colours to describe the shapes the could see e.g. I can see a big, red circle.

So to make the shape work more fun for them, we decided to let their imaginations run free and for them to create a boy or girl out of shapes.

First they had to colours the shapes, then cut them out, make a person, glue it down and finally they had to create a name for their person and write it down!
We saw some really great and original pictures alongside some interesting names! And there were a few Messi, Naymar, Batman, Scoobie, Mr Potaote, Violeta and even a Fiona!

Here are a few photos of the lovely work!


2nd Primary: Boys and Girls....

Something new that our 2nd Primary students have learning this year is how to use he and she to say if someone is a boy or a girl correctly, which sometimes people can find difficult.

As well as doing some listening work in the activity book and playing some games about when to use he/she and his/her, our students also made a sheet to help them remember and to start writing some more in English.

Below you can see just a few examples of the great work that they did!

1st Primary: New Book!

Our first of primary students have really started the school year really well and are quickly learning how to use their new book in English class.
It's the first time that they've used an activity book in English class and they have been taking to it like water to a duck's back!

Whilst the class book is projected on the digital board, every pupil has his or her own copy of the activity book where they are learning to read and write in English by doing some really fun activities.

A few weeks ago the pupils got to make their own comic where they were the protagonists and then they preformed their own stories in The English Theatre in class! They did a great job and really gained lots of confidence by acting in English!

Pictures to follow very soon!

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Present Simple with Patricia Pumpkin

This week our 4th of primary students have been working on the present simple. They have watched a short video in which a pumpkin gives some information about its sister Patricia daily routines. 

In this way, our students have taken the pumpkin's story as a model to create their own ones.

Daily Routines Comic

As promised here you have a few of the comics we worked on last week!

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013


One of the most important thing that our 3rd of primary students have learnt these days are prepositions of place. Despite they know some of them from previous years, they have started using them in context. They have been working them through sentences and images. 

Here you have some of them. Have a nice day!