domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Exchange Project With Scotland

This year during the 4th hour of English with Fiona and Aran, our 5th primary students were very excited to hear that they will be taking part in a really exciting project with a primary school in Hamilton, Scotland.

One of the P7 classes (6th primary) at St. Elizabeth's Primary School, Hamilton invited us to create a special project with them so that they can learn all about our lives in Escola Garbi and Catalonia and so our students can learn all about them.

Our 5th level students will only be communicating in English, whilst the pupils from St. Elizabeth's have just started to learn a little Spanish so they will be communicating in English and a little Spanish.

Last week our first set of letters arrived from our new Scottish friends and the Garbi students were very excited to learn about them!

Our letters have been sent in return and we hope that St. Elizabeth's really enjoy them!

We post some photos this week of the Scottish letters.

If you are interested here you can have a look at St. Elizabeth's Primary School Website!

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